I spotted Curvy Couture at Moda, the UK trade show for lingerie. Predictably, it was a catwalk piece, all platinum...
Round about this time everyone else launches a Valentines promotion. Unfortunately, I'm terrible at classic Valentines stuff (I blame my...
This Christmas, the intrepid Karolina Laskowska decided to organise a lingerie Secret Santa. Somehow, she managed to herd people across...
Sometimes our fans seem to know more about things than even we do! Just for fun we thought we'd see...
After we wrote our last entry, about issues with cancer awareness campaigns and products, I let Lidia know that possibly...
Because it's all my fault she's making knickers her career. She was all set to be a nice sensible lawyer,...
2013 LoveBomb; with a loveletter photoshoot, shot by Anna Swiczeniuk, Miss Miranda modelling, and excellent Lily Lewis hats. She nearly didn’t get the heart...
In 2014 we looked at the women behind the brands; no professional models, just some VERY hard working make-up artists...