OK, look. I could pretend that I met this brand at an event or ran across them doing something cool...
In case you don't know this story; some years ago I wrote about Betty Hobcraft's graduate collection. Karolina read this...
I always say if lingerie brands had best friends, then Playful Promises would be Kiss Me Deadly's. Sharing the occasional...
"IVE BEEN WAITING ON THE FAN-LACE GIRDLE FOR WHAT FEELS LIKE YEARS. 😍" said Danielle on Facebook this week, and lo,...
Back in the mid-1800's, Proper People in the UK and US communicated by a complicated system of calling cards, afternoon...
I don't do New Year resolutions because they mostly don't work. If you're trying to change your life, the way to...
Have you noticed the £2500 pledge option on our Kickstarter? Been wondering what that was about? And that I've said...
Meet the lingerie Santa pangolin, a late-night whimsy of ours brought to life by Marianne of Pop Antique. If you're...