OK, first off I have to say sorry - I've been side-tracked by work crises and personal health drama and...
Celia is totally new to me but I really hope she sticks around because I do love a good ostrich...
Poppy took the bait and plunged into wearable electronics, and I suspect may now throttle me if she gets hold...
You may recall Jean Louis from previous competitions, and he was also on our catwalk. He really, really likes crochet,...
Desiree says she was very nervous about this, largely because of taking pictures of herself - but I think she...
I'm quite excited by this entry as I love the texture and colour of this - shiny blue-green will get...
Amaryllis sent us these pictures (and I saw a few that had been discarded because the guns were too small!)...
I'm going to let Lyla explain this in her own words! The bra set she chose was the Violet Divine,...