Earlier in the year we launched a competition, called Shoot Yourself, where your entry was a picture of yourself that showed your KMD undies.
Thank you to ALL of you who took part! Myself and the warehouse staff agree that everyone has been amazing. We were absolutely torn choosing, and we will be emailing everyone who took part with a voucher for at least £5, because basically WOW. You’ve been creative, interesting, possibly even directional (?!) and definitely brave! So much so that we’re going to go and leave a selection of our compliments on things and do a post about our especial favourites later on. I shall be emailing you all tomorrow, it’s going to take ages!
Still, we had to pick a winner, and it’s this one:

Basically we just all agreed that we couldn’t resist our very own super hero! And it’s all her own idea, editing, and photography with a bit of help from her best friend. Admittedly I suspect all our fans are super deadly girls, except for the super deadly boys, super deadly pets and super deadly peoples, but it’s just awesome to see it in a picture!
Louise will receive:
A £400 Kiss Me Deadly voucher to spend on whatever she want on our site or in our shop in London,
free tickets to see The Kitten Club at Madame JoJo’s on a Sunday for her and her friends, and 2 free tickets to House Of Burlesque’s Shipwrecked show at the venue of her choice!

I suspect this is a pro shoot but here’s the thing; I am just so happy to see someone “in a more mature demographic” as we say in the industry enjoying Kiss Me Deadly. And I know how radical a departure it is from what you usually see because it was commented on plenty – not always positively (they got banned!).
It is also beautifully composed, and I love the choice of the Fifi and Peacock.
Jacquie will receive:
2 Volupte tickets for a show of their choice on any Wednesday Thursday or Friday
£50 to spend in the bar at Volupte
A £50 KMD voucher

Rachel who is in charge of the warehouse adores this one. She likes the self shot, the 3 pictures in 1 aspect, the leopard-print bra (not ours)/vargas girdle combo, and of course we all love dangerous shoes!
I also love glasses!
Marina wins a £50 KMD voucher.

So I think we’ve established now that basically if I had my way next season would involve matching capes, right?
But also; love the colours. Love the flats, actually – fashion’s obsession with high heels does my head in a bit, even though I’m a heel addict. Love especially the mysterious slight smile. And I love tummies.
Evy wins a £50 KMD voucher.
Congratulations, and thank you all so much for taking part, commenting and sharing!