Miss Mandalay have been running for longer than KMD, but possibly because since then larger companies with bigger PR budgets have been launched, I don’t always hear her mentioned first thing when people talk about full bust bras. Which is a damn shame because her bras are AWESOME, as you realise once you see them on someone. One of these days I’m going to photograph them with our longline and suspender belt, because although she has lots of zingy contemporary bright colours (and I got very excited by a turquoise leopard print at one point) she also has some lovely styles in black or trimmed with black that I think have enough retro touches to please KMD fans.
She also does bikinis, which I’m told are good but in all honesty I never go swimming or have a holiday so I have no idea – my idea of a good bikini involves as much fabric as possible to avoid sunburn! Anyone want to try them and report back?
She’s giving away a leopard print Vava set to celebrate this week – I’d be tempted myself but I’m pretty certain we’re not allowed to win each others giveaways!