Her friends know his buy she’d despise,
They point to, describe and gush,
He sees the no-brainer,
Bordeaux’s so much saner,
He buys it and makes them all hush.
His wife is ecstatic,
The night was climactic,
A hot steamy night they enjoyed!
Written by Lolita du Nuit
Not many people know this, but it was Sam, who runs FairyGothMother/Lulu and Lush, who basically gave me the contacts and help you need to start a business. In the end, her generosity has ended up working out – we’re now her top-selling lingerie brand, and something people go to the shop specifically for. But its not a risk most people would take with, in case they start with a friend and end up with a competitor. So perhaps its appropriate that on Valentines, when I really can’t be doing with anything romantic, I’m instead celebrating a very good friend and her beautiful and long running corsetry company.
We recently realised, whilst having tea and watching my cat and her puppy be mutually terrified of each other, that there’s not much point her doing lingerie when her true love is corsets, nor for me to attempt corsets (as requested in our survey) when I’m very happy with the lingerie, and I’ve got other things to get on with anyway. Plus, frankly, everything I know about corsets, she taught me.
So instead, here’s the start of a new collaboration; Lulu and Lush corsets to go with Kiss Me Deadly lingerie. We hope there’ll be many more, and we have plans to make them more elaborate, of course. And to help with the launch, we’ve created a gift guide over at Lulu and Lush for all the deeply confused men that walk into the shop around this time of year waving their hands in a curvy way and taking random stabs at sizing. We’ve also done a feature window, all roses and feathers and diamonds (fake, of course), and we’re filling it full of . . . limericks.
See, much as I am opposed to comedy Valentines presents – and I really, really am, also, hair conditioner is not a Valentines gift either – I think we need a bit of humour around the event. So we’ve started making little limericks to create our gift guide, and this long one comes from burlesque performer and fabulous journalist, Lolita, making them look like love letters, and putting them in the window. We’d like you to join in.
1)Write your own valentines limerick
2)Post it on the net somewhere with a link back to here.
3)Comment on this post with a link to your limerick on the Lulu and Lush Facebook.
We’ll put the best in the window, and the very best will win a full set of the Kiss Me Deadly Red Jolie set plus the matching Lulu and Lush underbust corset. Anyone who writes one that makes me snort with laughter, I’ll probably send you a voucher. Lolita will be judging the overall winner though!
If you want them in the window, try and keep it clean. Or you know, only just a little bit grubby.

Black and Red Jolie with the very limited edition red longline Vargas girdle.