Welcome to the entries for the KMD Easter Egg Competition 2017!
Thank you to Susanne who contributed this perfect collection of painted eggs to make that clear, complete with fabric suspender belt.
Blandine managed to replicate the design process, starting from egg sketches through to teeny tiny pasties and miniature ruffles!

Kathryn went for one of our regular issues - how do you show a cupless bra on social media? Using eggs, of course! With sequin pasties.
Helen made Eggwina the bride - the only slight issue being that the blue knickers kept flying off! Tape. Tape is where it's at for keeping lingerie in place.
Julia is a professional graphics person, so no surprise that she could paint perfect teeny tiny ladies and blades on her eggs.
Erin came up with burleggs, the Dita-inspired star of egg burlesque . . . and . . .

Marie Anntoinegge!
Scarlet came out with a WHOLE STORY. With dinosaur.
Which is your favourite?