Pages and articles for "fan lace girdle"
"IVE BEEN WAITING ON THE FAN-LACE GIRDLE FOR WHAT FEELS LIKE YEARS. 😍" said Danielle on Facebook this week, and lo, it is, in fact, years since Project Fan Lace Girdle was launched. I think it's...
There's been lots of interest in our highly anticipated fan laced girdle ever since we released photos of the prototype we made last year, and understandably you've all been very curious about this unusual garment. ...
At the start of the year we knew there'd be some major changes coming, so here's an update on The Plan! For years we've been struggling with the large MOQ (minimum order quantity) of the...
The illustrated guide to where are all the things are, for the forward planning KMD fans! Quite a few of you have been asking what it coming into stock , when and where, so here's...
An SEO person told me off for not doing enough product stuff on our diary recently, so I thought rather than write the usual keyword filled marketing blah, I might just start doing a public...
Have you noticed the £2500 pledge option on our Kickstarter? Been wondering what that was about? And that I've said we'll do knicker tutorials, plus if we hit 30K we'll give away an underbust corset...
UPDATE; OK so I hear that I made this too hard :) I'll extend the deadline to the 25th March and also yes, I promise to do a general photo competition later in the year...
We (as in me and Lyzzy from Ava Corsetry) have been very, very slowly setting up a tiny workshop in Sheffield for about a year now. Sounds like ages, right? Progress is slow because neither...
I am going to demand that you all vote so we can get some sort of trophy in the UK Lingerie Awards! (before Friday, please, ta) . I’m hoping the awards are like miniature futuristic...
Sometimes, an illness is for life, not just a pandemic. When that happens you can definitely develop Opinions, and mine include both that M.E Action, the campaign for better recognition, research and care for M.E...
Traditionally, this is the time of year where people review the last 12 months and then swear blind we'll radically change next year, honest, while fashion brands tell everyone who'll listen that they've had the...